The Sun and My Shadow

The Sun and Shadows  Letter P and Number 18
Monday and Tuesday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-Russton and Blake
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Social- Here Comes the Sun w/ questions-musical chairs
Counting-5 little Speckled Frogs
Music Appreciation/Readiness–Pick a Card ABC’s
Small and Large Movement Skills– Shadow Dancing or Hokey Pokey
ABC/Reading-Three Blind Mice w/ Bells
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Pretzles
Free Time & Group Motor Activity
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Sun Catchers-Please bring Old CD’s and DVD’s
Math/Science Skills-Telephone numbers
Goodbye Song
Wednesday and Thursday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—You are my sunshine–Instrument Jam
Counting—Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Musical Bingo-learning musical Symbols and signs
Small and Large Movement Skills—I’m a little Groundhog (I’m a little groundhog, furry and round. you may see me pop out of the ground. When I see my shadow, down I stay. Six more weeks of winter is on its way)
ABC/Reading:  Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Popcorn
Free Time & Group Motor Activity
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Shadow Art /Shadow Puppets-(made with cookie cutters/Popsicle sticks)
Math/Science Skills-Numbers Bingo
Goodbye Song

Calendar:  I will work to get out February Calendars by the end of this week.  Look for them in your child’s backpack.  We will be having show and tell the first week in February- Wednesday and Thursday. I would like every child to bring their favorite book from home.  We will have them summarize the book and why they like the book and I will have them available for the students to look at them during free play.

Home Challenge:  Have you tried having your child read to you some simple books yet?  Let them sound the words out and I think you will be surprised how well they can read.  I recommend the “Red Books” at the Library.  The series of books is called “Reading for All Learners”  It starts with “I see Sam” and they approach reading in a simple step by step method.  I just bought the first series and have started reading them with our 4-5 year old groups.  If you child isn’t sounding out words yet I would recommend you just continue reading to them and having them point out letters to you or you asking them to find a word that begins with the letter… P for example.