Flavorful Food

October 10-13th—Flavorful Food—Letter D and Number 7
Seat Work

Practice writing names


Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day– Letter D and Number 7


Music Circle Time

Hello Song

Instruments—All Around the Kitchen

Social- Muffin Man
Counting-Blue Jello’s

Music Appreciation/Readiness—ABC sing with me

Small and Large Movement Skills- Peanut Butter and Jelly (with story book)
ABC/Reading– I like to Eat…Apples and Bananas
Singing—Child Chooses Songs

Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Food Collage

Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks

Snacktime-ABC crackers

Reading Time

Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)

Group Motor Activity-Hokey Pokey

Math/Science Skills-Sorting Foods into Food Pyramid

Storytime—When you give a pig a pancake

Goodbye Song

Wed and Thursday

Seat Work

Practice writing names


Spotlight for Andrew on Thursday-Happy Birthday!

Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day


Music Circle Time

Hello Song

Instruments—Drum Shake Shake (Waltz’n)

Social—Favorite Foods—(Shortnin Bread)

Counting-5 little monkeys swinging

Music Appreciation/Readiness—Play back my rhythm

Small and Large Movement Skills—Dance Director (Polka)

ABC/Reading—Pease Poridge Hot

Singing—Child Chooses Songs

Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Homemade Tortillas

Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks

Snacktime—Make Quesidillas with our tortillas

Reading Time

Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)

Group Motor Activity—Freeze Dance

Math/Science Skills–Sequence

Storytime—The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Goodbye Song

We have one mom who has volunteered to drive to the pumpkin walk for Monday but we will need one more mom or dad to help drive for the Monday group.  Both Monday’s groups will be going together to the pumpkin walk.  I do need just one parent who can take at least two kids in there car on Thursday 20th.  Plan on bringing your child’s car seat or booster the day of the field trip so we can be safe in the car.  I also want everyone to wear their preschool t-shirts so we can be easily identified.   

Homework Challenge:  We are talking about food this week.  Meal time can be a very challenging time with young children.  One thing that helps in our family is to expose the children to many different foods and not to cater to what we know they will eat.  It’s ok to give them very small portions.  Praise them for trying it and being brave to do new things.  Talking about why we eat fruits and vegetables hopefully will help the whole family eat healthier. When I was younger I loved when my aunt would encourage me to eat by building a house in my tummy.  We had to eat the brown food for the walls of the house, the red for the flowers, the green for the grass etc.  This can be a fun game to encourage eating food.