Group Guitar

Group Guitar Classes are taught at Smithfield Rec. Center. Group guitar class is an affordable and fun way to learn how to play the guitar. Summer Classes will be offered in the evening and the day. Click here for Smithfield Recreation Registration. The class is listed under the Summer camps. Classes have a limited number and fill quickly so don’t delay your registration. If there is enough students we will open up a second class, so sign up for the wait list. See Rec, center website for current class information.
Class schedule:
Level 1 & 2: June-August
Level 2: Sept-Dec
Level 3: Jan-Mar
Level 1: Mar-May
Beginning Group Guitar Level 1 Class Description: This is a beginning group guitar class designed for beginning guitar students ages 12 and up. This class will focus on teaching basic open chords, how to care and tune your guitar, strum patterns, and combining your skills so you can play some of your favorite songs. The class will also teach how to play and identify a wide variety of percussion instruments and rhythms. This will be a foundation for rhythmic accompaniment on the guitar. Supplemental videos will also be available to help when you are practicing at home. These videos will be uploaded to Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook.
Beginning Group Guitar Level 2 Class Description: The skills of basic chords and strum patterns will be continued from the first class. We will learn the notes of the fingerboard so you can play basic melodies on the guitar. Guitar ensemble skills will be learned so you can play with other group members. New strum patterns, as well as fingerpicking (Arpeggio), will be learned. Each week a group member will choose a song for the class to learn. This way a variety of styles and music will be shared. Each week a short time will be used to play drums and rhythmic interventions to encourage emotional expression and build self-confidence.
Beginning Group Guitar Level 3 Class Description: The skills learned in the previous two classes will be reviewed and built upon Barre Chords will be introduced in this class. Alternating bass patterns will be taught as well as the 12 barre blues and Dotted Rhythms. Focus on learning color chords such as m7 and add 9 chords. Travis Picking fingerstyle will be learned. We will also teach the difference between reading notes and reading tablature so students can learn both. Power Chords will be learned. Students will continue to request songs that will be learned in class. Each week a short time will be used to play drums and rhythmic interventions to encourage emotional expression and build self-confidence.

Class feedback:
“This class has been so fun for me! It has been awesome to learn something new and broaden my horizons! It has enlightened my life. -Spring 2021 class member